The film I created was this...
Despite the oddness of the film I am actually quite proud of it, particularly considering the time limitations of the contest. Interesting the 'mooing' horse in the film you see was actually supposed to be a cow, however I could not find my LEGO one and so I resulted to a horse, I think it ended up better as a result!
Technical Stuff For This Film:
- Camera: Logitech c920 webcam
- Frame capturing: Helium Frog Animator
- Script writing: Trelby
- Microphone: Blue Yeti
- Audio Recording: Audacity
- Editing: Cyberlink PowerDirector 13
- Myself as Mr Simons and The Doctor
- Katie Lee (my sis) as Nurse Jenny
I hope you enjoyed this film and feel free to leave me any feedback on it whether that be via the Bricks in Motion thread, YouTube comments or on this blog. Hopefully you'll see some more videos from me in the near future.
ur thoughts!